Scarf Art' Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Giveaway Honorary WINNER, Oprah! - Scarf Art - Easy to use, pre-tied, adjustable, button-and-go scarves for women of all ages!

Scarf Art’ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Giveaway Honorary WINNER, Oprah!

Scarf Art’ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Giveaway Honorary WINNER, Oprah!

I don’t know Oprah, but “What I Know For Sure” is Oprah loves purple, the color & “The Color Purple.”    Therefore, in honor of Oprah and “The Color Purple” we’ve created Scarf Art products in various shades of purple in multiple designs, check them out ONLINE! 



In addition, Oprah is the Honorary WINNER of The Scarf Art Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Giveaway.   We all know for sure, Oprah is one of the most inspiring celebrities of our lifetime. True to form, this lady is a GIVVVVER! She’s given cars, book deals via her Book Club, thousands upon thousands of scholarships, therapy via “The Oprah Winfrey Show”, endless job opportunities on & off TV and SOOOOOO MUCH MORE.  Her words, walk, witness & wisdom has certainly blessed my life. It’s always an honor to give back to a GIVER.  



As well, if you’re an Oprah fan, let’s honor her by simply wearing purple on her birthday, January 29th.   Checkout the post “Let’s Honor Oprah” on all of our social media platforms and please share on all of your social media platforms, etc.    

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